Hi. Ok i know its been a while. Have been really slack on the scrapping front lately, but did manage these couple on the weekend. And i am actually scrapping at the moment as well. Lack of sleep does not really help with the concentration.
Anyway, this first one is from a sketch over at wicked princesses.
Hope you are keeping warm wherever you are and i wont promise to be back soon this time cause i might jinx myself. Lol. (But i may be...)
Thanks for stopping by
Kerry xx
Lovely LOs! (I wouldn't have noticed the spelling mistake!!!)
hi Kerry could you pop on over to my blog to see the blog hop list, its time to share your LO . I have emailed but you musn't be getting them through FB cheers xx
Hi Kerry - I have been trying to contact you over at Show us your Stuff 3 times now but have not had a reply at all so wondering if I have the wrong email for you?! Could you please contact me anitatillman@hotmail.com... thanks so much! Anita
sorry if you are getting this twice but my computer is having a flip out this morning! I have tried contacting you a few times over at show us your stuff but have had no replies and was thinking I may not have the right email for you?! Could you please contact me anitatillman@hotmail.com...thanks so much! Anita
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